Frequently asked questions

Everything you need to know about SpotyGrader in one place

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Why are you asking for my Spotify Credentials?


Your Spotify Credentials are only required as we need them to be able to apply the Premium Subscription into your account instantly. You don't need to worry, your details are not stored and are only used for our automated system to provide you with Premium instantly, we will not look at your playlists or what music you listen to. You can change your Spotify password as soon as you get your Premium Subscription.

Do I need to pay monthly fees?


No. We only charge a small Monthly/Yearly fee. Pay once and enjoy premium perks for months.

Do you offer warranty?


Yes, our warranty covers your order completely. If you buy 1 Year subscription your warranty will be valid for a whole Year. Since our method is 100% legal, no replacements will be needed, but for a better customer experience we do offer a full warranty.

Is this legal?


Yes. All of our Premium subscriptions are fully legally-obtained. Don't worry, you are safe using our service.

Does this works worldwide?


Fortunately, our service works every-where. No matter where you are, you can get Spotify for a pretty low price with us.

I have additional questions, where can I contact you?


You can contact us on Discord or Telegram

Need to get in touch?

If you are in need of any support, if that be purchasing a product or product support in general. Join our discord for the easiest and quickest support.

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